Romanian Crypto Exchange Opens Its Doors and the Inside Looks Great

A new Romanian crypto exchange is on the horizon: is putting its foot down and it’s here to stay.

Romanian crypto exchange opens its doors | LogoYou’ve just heard about cryptocurrencies and want in on the deal? Or you’ve been trading Bitcoin since it was just a baby currency but you’re always open for a better option? Whatever your reason for trading crypto is, the most essential thing you need is a good exchange. The possibilities are a million and one, so what makes different?

Consider this: you decide to become a proud Bitcoin owner because, of course, you are fascinated by the technology, the possibilities it offers, how you can tell your grand kids that you were there when crypto got big – and to make money, let’s be honest. But then you get to the actual trading part and suddenly things get a bit less sunny: the commission fees are high, the transaction is slow, the verification process takes ages, and the whole site is just so complicated – why do I even bother with this?

Trading Bitcoin has never been this easy

So instead of letting that happen, you can go to Because why would anyone want to pay high fees somewhere else when only charges a 0.15% commission fee? Yes, 0.15%. No hidden fees, no loopholes, no exclusions.

Competition on the crypto exchange market can be tough, so has to offer a lot to attract customers. A simple sign up system where only your e-mail is needed, fast transactions and instant settlement using limit and market orders, and the transparency and security has to be top notch as well – the use of cold wallets, SSL and 2FA protocols and secure server location. All major cryptocurrencies are available to trade, too: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, USDT and many more.

If you’re also interested in trading euro for crypto, and vice versa, has that covered as well: you only need to complete an extra verification step, and then you’re all set to earn your well-deserved euros.

Whether you’re from Romania and you’re welcoming a brand new local exchange or you’re from the other side of the planet, the chance to sign up for and give it a try is yours. The site is available in both English and Romanian and a mobile version is also accessible if you’re sick of your laptop.

Crypto exchanges are a million and one – but to be the one in a million is still up for grabs.

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