Croatian Petrol Company Tifon Allows Crypto Payments at All Its Stations

Tifon, a Croatian gasoline and oil company owned by Budapest-based MOL Hungarian Oil and Gasoline Plc., enabled crypto payments at all its stations starting from February 1st.
The Tifon network that currently operates 46 petrol stations in Croatia will use Paycek, a Zagreb-based crypto payment service provider, to accept direct crypto payments for all its services and products. As of now, five cryptocurrencies are available for customers: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Stellar, Dai and EOS. Settlement is provided by a cryptocurrency brokerage called
The payment system is fully compliant with the regulations of the Croatian Central Bank.

The payment process itself is quite user-friendy, and doesn’t take any longer than paying with a credit card. When users opt for a crypto payment, the system generates a QR code that’s printed out for them to scan with their Paycek mobile application. Users can confirm their purchase from their wallets. Paycek then sends an approval to the cashier, and the payment process is concluded.
Tifon has been part of the Hungarian MOL Group since 2007 and employs about 600 people.